The Witches DVD (1966)

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Gwen Mayfield (Joan Fontaine) suffers a mental collapse after a showdown with a witch doctor while performing missionary work in Africa. Once she recuperates, she starts teaching at a private school in England and gets to know Linda (Ingrid Brett), one of her students. Linda,s boyfriend claims that there is a cult that is going to sacrifice her, and Gwen begins to investigate the wild rumors. This leads her to a confrontation with powerful cult leader Stephanie Bax (Kay Walsh). Delivered sealed in case with artwork as shown on our page.

Starring: Joan Fontaine, Kay Walsh, Alec McCowen

Viewer Review: "What makes this film so distinctive is its understatement--the horror when it emerges is all the more disquieting since everything seems so idyllic. Miss Fontaine is superb. This was possibly one of the most entertaining films to watch I have ever seen."

1h, 30m

Format: DVD

This DVD is encoded NTSC Region ALL (playable worldwide).

Usually ships in 1-3 days from the United States via USPS w/tracking.

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